Metal Content Residues

Metal Content Residues
Sources & Types       Residue Markets

Concentration & Selective Extraction

Residue Generation Trends
Residual Materials Management
Heavy Metal Concentrates

Buy or Sell Residues
If you wish to recycle Metal Content Residues Please feel free to Add your Buy or Sell inquiry to the Exotic Scrap Metals Exchange.
The exchange service connects generators of metal content by-products with dealers, processors and refiners interested in recovering metal values from complex waste materials.

Concentration & Selective Extraction
the CSE cycle
Concentration & Selective Extraction

Concentration & Selective Extraction
The methods of residue recovery typically rely on the Concentration & Selective Extraction of one specific item at a time. Once the first selected item is removed, a new target is selected and the cycle is repeated until all the trace elements have been recovered. The overall efficiency of this process may be improved by consolidating fresh inputs of "like" materials at each stage.

Metal Content Residues
Metal content residues include waste, by products, sludges, filtered materials, sweepings, powders, plasma dust, grit, spent catalysts, blast media, fluxing materials and dust collector residues. Electronics scrap processing by-products and End of Life - end of the line rejects.

Residue Generation Trends
Modern manufacturing techniques of digital age products generate End of Life (EOL) waste streams containing complex multi-layer composite materials with trace metallic elements and inert inorganic substraits. The evolution of advanced electronics, sensors and displays utilize a huge assortment and types of Strategic Rare & Precious metals.

Many specialty technologies require only trace amounts of metals, processes such as thin film coating and sputtering deposit minute quantities of exotic metals that are impossible to manually segregate. This proliferation of exotic trace elements demands a revised approach to Residual Materials Management.

Exotic Scrap Connections

Ardleigh Minerals
Ardleigh Minerals

Additional Exotic Scrap Metal contacts

Residual Materials Management
To aline with environmental sustainability practices of today a new or expanded strategy to the approach and treatment of residual End of Life (EOL) materials is necessary to prevent the release of potentially toxic elements into the atmosphere and to allow for the recovery of valuable strategic finite resources.
The recovery of any type of trace elements commonly relies upon a multi-stage process of concentration and selective extraction.

Residual Consolidation
By consolidating residues with a similar matrix together (referred to as Like Materials) you can target your recovery efforts on specific elements on a priority or sequential basis. Typically you would choose or prioritize elements with the most abundant concentration in your matrix.

By targeting and recovering the primary elements you reduce the total volume of the remaining left over materials, this secondary generation residual material will have a newly calculated matrix or different mix and concentration of elements. This method amplifies the concentration of all the remaining elements which then allows you to repeat the process perpetually, ultimately recovering all the elements.

In the past we compressed the like materials into uniform shapes for ease of handling, storage and sampling. We referred to this agglomeration process as Cannon Balling. We accumulated different groupings of Cannon Balls based on similar matrix of the elements contained.

Once we accumulated sufficient quantity of Like Cannon Balls we would proceed to Refine & Recover the next sequence or generation of residuals.
A balanced or accordion approach to Refining & Recovery provides multiple options of Pyrometallurgical, Hydrometallurgical, Electometallurgical or other methods and allows flexibility to respond to current market conditions.

Residue Feedstock
An example of a Residual Materials Management feed stock is the production of synthetic ore containing Strategic Rare Precious Residues in the form of Granulated Residue Nuggets generated from a specific mixed waste stream.

Synthetic Ore
With the proliferation of complex multi-layer composite materials with trace metallic elements, the management of residuals transitions from a fringe activity into the mainstream production of synthetic ore. Find a market for Residual Synthetic Ore by posting a listing into the Metal Content Residues exchange.
To meet environmental sustainability goals the comprehensive treatment of residual End of Life (EOL) materials is a solution to prevent the release of potentially toxic elements into the atmosphere and to allow for the recovery of valuable strategic finite resources.

Heavy Metal Concentrates
The typical method of treatment of heavy metal content in sludges and wastewater is to dilute or reduce the ppm content to a discharge compliant level. This approach does not eliminate the release of potentially toxic or hazardous heavy metals that may eventually accumulate in the environment. The alternative approach is the removal of the non-metal fractions resulting in concentrating the balance of the materials into an enriched ore as a feed stock for the recovery of Strategic Rare Precious heavy metal Residues.

Electrochemical Cells       Oxidation/Reduction & Displacement
Molten Media Extraction
Hi-Temp Refining       Hot Gas Refining

Scrap Metal Recycling

Ferrous Metals       Non-Ferrous Metals
Precious Metals
Exotic Alloys & Minor Metals

Battery Scrap       Electronics Recovery

Surplus Metal Inventory
Scrap Metal Info
Exotic Metals Scrap - Minor Metal Recycling

Critical Minerals            Rare Earth Elements
Concentration & Selective Extraction
Trace Elements            Residual Waste Materials

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